Recovery Coaching
Meet one-on-one with a Peer Support Specialist where real-life experience is used to help guide you through your recovery journey. We believe in a client-centered approach and that every person's recovery is as unique as they are.
SMART Recovery
SMART Recovery teaches short-term and long-term coping skills participants can use to move forward in their lives and avoid turning to an addiction to cope. Teachings focus on the present and what to do when faced with situations that lead to self-destructive choices.
The SMART Recovery utilizes the 4-Point Program:
Building and maintaining the motivation to change
Coping with urges to use
Managing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in an effective way without addictive behaviors
Living a balanced, positive, and healthy life
All Recovery
An alternative to 12-step meetings, “All Recovery” meetings welcome all who struggle with addiction, are affected by addiction, or support the recovery lifestyle. (Originally developed by the Connecticut Communities for Addiction Recovery.)